
Historic HSA Contribution Increase

A health savings account or HSA is an account designated to pay for qualified healthcare expenses. It’s funded with pre-tax money, and contributions grow tax-deferred much like an IRA. As a benefit to their employees many employers also choose to make contributions as well.   Unlike a traditional pre-tax IRA however, distributions may be received […]

Financial Planning Healthcare Retirement Income Retirement Planning

Medicare Premiums Higher Than Expected?

Are your Medicare premiums higher than you expected? Did you or someone you know receive notice of 2022 premium increases? Did the increase surprise you, and was it far greater than in previous years? 2022 Base Medicare Premiums Increase 14.5% Medicare premiums for Part B jumped from 14.5% from $148.50 per month in 2021 to […]


What You Need to Know About HSAs

If you had unlimited resources and access to a saving account with the following characteristics how much money would you attempt to save in an account that: You can contribute money on a pre-tax basis Then grow your contributions tax-deferred And finally, access the contributions and tax-deferred growth free from income tax? What kind of […]