Financial Planning Money Management News Retirement Planning Tax Planning Taxes in Retirement Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

COVID Relief Bill’s Tax, Cash Benefits Can Apply to Some Wealthy Clients

Financial Planning | March 11, 2021 The $1.9 trillion COVID relief package signed by President Biden on Thursday isn’t aimed only at lower-income and middle-class individuals. Advisors say that many upper-middle-class earners and even the mass affluent can potentially qualify for a portion of the tax breaks or direct cash payments. Here’s a cheat sheet […]

Economic Outlook Market Trends News Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group Videos

The Second Stimulus Bill of 2020–What it Means for Your Money

A second COVID-19 relief bill has been signed, sending stimulus checks to most Americans. Troy Westendorf of Ankeny Iowa’s Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group shared how that money will help families and why creating a spending plan could be a smart idea with WHO13 News in Des Moines.

Economic Outlook Market Analysis Market Trends News Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

The COVID-19 Vaccine and Your Money

The COVID-19 vaccine is rolling out and being administered across the country. Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group CEO Mark Triplett spoke with Des Moines Iowa’s KCCI news about what impact this has on your money.