Financial Planning Money Management News Retirement Planning Tax Planning Taxes in Retirement Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

COVID Relief Bill’s Tax, Cash Benefits Can Apply to Some Wealthy Clients

Financial Planning | March 11, 2021 The $1.9 trillion COVID relief package signed by President Biden on Thursday isn’t aimed only at lower-income and middle-class individuals. Advisors say that many upper-middle-class earners and even the mass affluent can potentially qualify for a portion of the tax breaks or direct cash payments. Here’s a cheat sheet […]

Financial Planning Money Management Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

Why Now Is the Time To Hire a Financial Advisor

Yahoo Finance | February 8, 2021 Whether you’re planning for a life milestone, like purchasing home or retiring, looking to be more strategic about your investments or are just in need of a financial checkup, a financial advisor can be an invaluable resource for you. However, many Americans are hesitant to hire one. “When it […]

PT5 Planning Philosophy Retirement Planning Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

Our PT5 Process Interview on Business Innovators Network

We believe that every dollar has a purpose and a timeline. When and how your retirement assets will be used should be understood before making important financial decisions. We shared our unique financial planning approach with the Business Innovators Network. The Triplett-Westendorf Purpose and Timeline 5 Step Planning Process (PT5) begins with Discovery. Understanding where […]

Economic Outlook Market Trends News Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group Videos

The Second Stimulus Bill of 2020–What it Means for Your Money

A second COVID-19 relief bill has been signed, sending stimulus checks to most Americans. Troy Westendorf of Ankeny Iowa’s Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group shared how that money will help families and why creating a spending plan could be a smart idea with WHO13 News in Des Moines.

Economic Outlook Market Analysis Market Trends News Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

The COVID-19 Vaccine and Your Money

The COVID-19 vaccine is rolling out and being administered across the country. Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group CEO Mark Triplett spoke with Des Moines Iowa’s KCCI news about what impact this has on your money.