Financial Planning Healthcare Retirement Income Retirement Planning

Medicare Premiums Higher Than Expected?

Are your Medicare premiums higher than you expected? Did you or someone you know receive notice of 2022 premium increases? Did the increase surprise you, and was it far greater than in previous years? 2022 Base Medicare Premiums Increase 14.5% Medicare premiums for Part B jumped from 14.5% from $148.50 per month in 2021 to […]

Financial Planning Money Management

Bird In the Hand

“A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush” is a proverbial saying used to declare the belief that it is better to hold onto something one has that is certain than to risk losing it by trying to get something better that is not certain. Often folks will use such a […]

Financial Planning Money Management News Retirement Planning Tax Planning Taxes in Retirement Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

COVID Relief Bill’s Tax, Cash Benefits Can Apply to Some Wealthy Clients

Financial Planning | March 11, 2021 The $1.9 trillion COVID relief package signed by President Biden on Thursday isn’t aimed only at lower-income and middle-class individuals. Advisors say that many upper-middle-class earners and even the mass affluent can potentially qualify for a portion of the tax breaks or direct cash payments. Here’s a cheat sheet […]

Financial Planning Money Management Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

Why Now Is the Time To Hire a Financial Advisor

Yahoo Finance | February 8, 2021 Whether you’re planning for a life milestone, like purchasing home or retiring, looking to be more strategic about your investments or are just in need of a financial checkup, a financial advisor can be an invaluable resource for you. However, many Americans are hesitant to hire one. “When it […]

Financial Planning Money Management

Planning Your Next (Post COVID Lockdown) Vacation

After more than a year of being cooped up in their homes, many folks are ready to get out of the house. If you are like my family, you’re planning your next vacation and you’re ready to make up for lost time. In this article we will cover the 6 specific questions to ask yourself […]

Financial Planning Money Management Tax Planning Trusts Wills

You Just Received Notice of an Inheritance: What Should You Do?

You’ve just been notified that you are receiving an inheritance. Someone cared enough about you to include you in his or her estate. Maybe it was a parent, an aunt or uncle, a sibling, or a longtime friend. Maybe you were expecting it. Then again, maybe the notice came as a complete surprise. Regardless of […]

Estate Planning Financial Planning PT5 Planning Philosophy Retirement Planning Uncategorized

Ancient Wisdom of Pharaoh’s Dreams

Every workday I spend 30 minutes reading. This habit developed about 5 years ago after I was introduced to the world of personal development by my good friend Kevin. He’s been a big influence on my life, usually leading me to be a better person by example.  I try to read books about topics that […]

401(k) Financial Planning PT5 Planning Philosophy Retirement Income Retirement Planning

When is a good time to convert from an IRA to a Roth?

When is a good time to convert from an IRA to a Roth? An attendee at one of our recent workshops asked us a question about Roth Conversions. Specifically, she asked “when is a good time to convert to a Roth IRA?” In short, the final two months of the year are typically when we […]