401(k) Financial Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning Taxes in Retirement Uncategorized

Secure act 2.0 relevant Changes

In the waning hours of 2022, Congress passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 was introduced December 20th and just before Christmas this legislation was rushed through the senate and house of representatives, and finally signed into law by President Biden. Inserted into the legislation was a host of […]

Financial Planning Money Management News Retirement Planning Tax Planning Taxes in Retirement Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

COVID Relief Bill’s Tax, Cash Benefits Can Apply to Some Wealthy Clients

Financial Planning | March 11, 2021 The $1.9 trillion COVID relief package signed by President Biden on Thursday isn’t aimed only at lower-income and middle-class individuals. Advisors say that many upper-middle-class earners and even the mass affluent can potentially qualify for a portion of the tax breaks or direct cash payments. Here’s a cheat sheet […]

401(k) PT5 Planning Philosophy Retirement Income Retirement Planning Social Security Taxes in Retirement

Will You Need Less or More Income in Retirement?

Our firm holds regular educational classes at the community college campus near our Ankeny, IA office. We invite folks in surrounding communities to these classes through direct-mail postcard invitations and digital invitations through Facebook. The invitations highlight several specific topics that we commonly cover during our classes. For example, strategies to optimize entitlement programs such […]

401(k) Estate Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning Social Security Tax Planning Taxes in Retirement Trusts Wills

The Plight of a Retired Widow–Part 2

In last month’s publication we explored the complications that can arise when a retirement plan is designed for a married couple (filing taxes jointly) suddenly gets turned on its head at the passing of one of the spouses. This month we will examine the real-life challenges from the view point of fictional couple, William and […]