401(k) Financial Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning

True Liquidity Versus Allocation Liquidity

Two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom and you get an amazing substance! H2O, AKA water, is a shape shifter. It can be a gas, invisible to the eye. Physically harmless to touch. It can be a solid when frozen into ice. Get wacked with that, and OUCH! Leave your hand on it too long […]

401(k) Financial Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning Social Security

Required Minimum Distribution‘s

Did you get your taxes done on time?  Good for you! It seems each year many of us scramble to get our taxes done while searching for ways to reduce our previous year’s federal income tax. Whether doing your own taxes with the assistance of an online preparation service like TurboTax, or working with a […]

401(k) Financial Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning

You’re Paying Somebody… What Are You Receiving In Return?

Here are a few questions I have to ask you. Do you have investments? Do you have a 401(k), IRA, or another retirement savings plan? Do you own a non-retirement brokerage account with stocks, bonds, or mutual funds? If you said yes to any of these, you’re paying somebody to manage your money. The financial […]

Financial Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning

Order Of Returns Risk

One of the most mystifying risks in retirement is the Order Of Returns risk. Investing in marketable securities exposes you to this risk. The future value of your investment is unknown. It might go up (+) or down (-). Returns don’t occur in a straight-line pattern. If you own stocks, bonds, or mutual funds within […]

Retirement Income Retirement Planning Taxes in Retirement Triplett-Westendorf Financial Group

How to Plan for a Client’s Provisional Income in Retirement

Provisional Income may not mean much to you unless you are currently receiving Social Security benefits. However, one of the most engaging topics that we cover in our Social Security education class is the impact of taxes on benefits. Many adult learners who attend don’t know that their Social Security benefits will likely be subject […]

Financial Planning Money Management Retirement Income Retirement Planning

Just selling stuff?

My partner and I recently met with a couple from one of our workshops whose financial life is quite complex. These folks have done well for themselves. They lived well within their means throughout their working years, managed to consistently save for retirement, and have successfully accumulate more than enough resources to maintain their desired […]

Financial Planning Retirement Income Retirement Planning Social Security Taxes in Retirement


A basic principle of investing is that you should gradually reduce your exposure to risk as you get older. Generally speaking, a younger investor has a longer time horizon and therefore can absorb more short-term investment risk. An older investor has a shorter time horizon and therefore doesn’t have as much time to absorb short-term […]